
Thankyou Tracy

Tracy makes exercising fun!

Since joining her fit2age class my Sciatic nerve has improved enormously

and my overall fitness level is so much better

Fran Woodhouse.... 70yrs young

How this class helped me

 I hadn't exersiced or been active for a while, and fallen and dislocated my shoulder. I had pain in my knee and had a knee replacement,

Tracy came into my building teaching  strenth exercise classes from a chair and so I started slowly, and gradually became stronger. I was surprised as it was only one class a week. When I first started I could only walk acouple of min with out having to stop for a rest. Then I started walking for much longer periods and much faster!!

Within the first year I lost  10 lbs got back full range of motion of my shoulder!

Tracy advises about taking breaks and which parts of the body are getting the best results, and about improving the function of brain cells.

Anne McDonald

Relief from my Sciatica

I started the fit2age program a few years ago.  I just love it.  It has resolved my sciatica problems.  With a few strengthening moves targeted in that area, my nagging pain has gone away.  Those moves are part of the regular routine.  I also do not adore exercise in its traditional form, so knowing that I can incorporate small components from the fit2age routine into my daily chores has really had a positive result.  I encourage you to try the program too.  Elaine.

The mood in the senoirs buildings improved

Property Manager

Bow Claire Apartments/Becker Manor

I manage 2 seniors apartment buildings…the winter months can be hard on us all, being held captive inside by the weather and hazardous sidewalks.  When Tracy was asked to hold an exercise class at one of my buildings I was thrilled.  Her fitness class specially designed for seniors was well received and when the residents met her their enthusiasm soared.  She’s an absolute delight!  Her crackerjack personality and energetic nature endeared her to all participants right away.  I quickly  decided that I would approach her to hold a class at my other building.  There too she was instantly loved.  I am here to attest that the level of good endorphins flowing in my buildings has pushed the doldrums of winter back for numerous people. 

Lydia Fraser

Cleaned my windows all by myself!

I am a 70 year old senior and when I started exercising  I didn't think it was that important.

Since, I have found it has helped me to do the jobs around my house.

Last week I became aware of the  increased strength  I had gained when cleaning my windows.

I have 2 big windows in my Kitchen and haven't been able to remove them for over a year.

Knowing they needed a more thorough cleaning I proceeded to lift them out, I couldn't believe what little trouble I had lifting them out.

It was a little more difficult putting them back in but I managed to do that as well, our trainer Tracy is excellent in instructing us and makes it fun too.

 Vivian Penner


Outstanding balance

After several nasty falls, my doctor referred me to the Calgary Fall Clinic in Calgary where I was evaluated; The staff there recommended exercises to strengthen the core muscles which, they told me would help with balance and stability. 

Armed with a few sheets of instruction, I diligently started on my own but was very thrilled when Exercise Classes were offered in my building.  To my great surprise the exercises were very similar.  I have attended several sessions so far and hope to continue to do so as the benefits are two fold:  physically I can see the difference and socially it has many benefits.  Several other in my class have also made great progress.  I have notice a difference on many levels.

The most striking improvement that I can see  so far is crucial to me:  I have not fallen in a year and half. 

I can walk better too and I have more confidence venturing out this winter,  I go out when weather permits and do so with gusto around my neighbourhood.   I can climb stairs with more ease and  seem to suffer less from aches and pain.

I would highly recommend these classes to anyone who have the same problems.

The classes offer a gentle work out of all import muscle group in the body.

Tracy remind us diligently to listen to our body and is quick to offer alternate exercises to any one who needs it.  Of course the goal is to practice most days but in our group we have seen great changes even in people who only do a weekly class.

I would not hesitate to give Tracy references if you are interested in taking the class.

Danielle de Linard